The LEDStam is located in Eindhoven in Noord-Brabant. Every other Wednesday we gather at the building of scouting St. Rafael. Two different members of the LEDStam organize the gathering, resulting in a varied programme and new and surprising activities for our members. For example, we played ‘real-life’ Risk, cooked over the campfire and played a pub quiz. Before our gatherings, we eat dinner together and afterwards we have drinks.
In de week zonder opkomst wordt er voor de liefhebber geborreld bij het lokale studentencafé Hubble en er worden nog meer activiteiten georganiseerd buiten de opkomsten om door enthousiaste leden. Zo hebben we met een groep een toprope cursus gevolgd en zijn we naar Vrienden van Amstel Live geweest.
Every year we go camping, this camp is called LEKA or LEDStam Kamp. This weekend we do all kinds of cool activities such as a scavenger hunt by car. We also visit national activities with other student scouting groups in the Netherlands. We go to the Student Scouting Weekends and the Student Scouting Gala
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