
The ‘Yggdrasilstam’ was established in 1983 in Wageningen. This student scout group was founded by students of Wageningen University who were part of a scouting group back home and wanted to do scouting activities in Wageningen too. The Yggdrasilstam became part of the scouting group ‘die Wiltgraeff’ which was already active in Wageningen. To date, we meet every Wednesday night in the clubhouse of die Wiltgraeff, located in the woods of Wageningen. We start our activities with a nice (vegetarian) meal whereafter we drink our famous tea and eat delicious cookies. After this we start with an activity. Every other week this activity is organised by two of our members.

Our activities range from creative (e.g. Bob Ross painting & macrame), real scouting activities (e.g. campfires & wood chopping), real student activities (e.g. datediner & beercantus) and traditional activities (e.g. sinterklaas, New Year’s diner, birthday celebrations & our own ‘sleutelspel’). However, we also like to spend our evenings playing (board)games together.

We also go camping at least twice a year. In the winter we have our wintercamp which is traditionally near the hometown of one of the members organising the camp. During the wintercamp new members are officially initiated into the association. During the summer holidays we have our summer camp. This camp usually lasts a week and we generally like to somewhere outside of the Netherlands. You can also always find us on SSW, which is the camp with all student scouting associations of the Netherlands.

Do you want to join one of our activities? Then send us an email or send us a message via Instagram or Facebook!

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